Indiana Jones {Cool Cake Ideas}

Anybody in the mood for an Indiana Jones themed party…a la Temple of Doom?

Chilled Monkey Brains "ahh, dessert!"

Chilled Monkey Brains “ahh, dessert!”

If you’ve never watched Temple of Doom, well, shame on you! Please cue your Netflix to remedy this situation.

Because of Indy, I wanted to be an archaeologist when I grew up…me and half of the American child population I’m sure. One of the most famous scenes in this particular movie is when Indy, Willie, and Short Round are having dinner in the palace. They serve all sorts of exotic foods, but the dessert…takes the cake…

Check out this chilled monkey brains cake tutorial I came across by Linda of Bubble and Sweet. Man, this woman has talent!

With the popularity of the Temple Run franchise, you never know when you’ll need a cake made to look like an evil monkey head!


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